Ron Cecil Application Form How long have you been married? * Learn how to stop being the consummate nice guy I'd love to learn how to not be co-dependent in my romantic and work relationships (putting everyone else first and neglecting myself) Learn how to stop using screens, alcohol, drugs, and/or workaholism to numb out (and truly live the life I want) I'd love to regain trust and intimacy with my wife I I'd like to stop playing small with my life and impact more people and change more lives by finding and/or following my true purpose and passion 3. What makes MOST you interested in getting help from a coach to change your life? Why is it more compelling compared to other options like seeing a therapist, joining a support group or just reading a self-help book? * Because I’ve been in pain long enough and am tired of wasting my time. I want to expand my quality of life, and know that it’s time to be a better husband, father, and leader. Unmet Potential: I’ve always wanted to pursue my dreams but gave them up in order to play it safe. A part of me died in doing so. 4. If you had a daily routine to prime your brain and body for optimal living that would lead to loving yourself, becoming irresistible to your partner, and leading a life of true purpose... What would your primary life goal most be like? * Living a life of true romance and meaningful adventure with my spouse. Becoming the father to my children that I always dreamed of and breaking generational patterns of trauma. Having the guts to find and live out my purpose and passion. 5. Are you currently working. Full Time Part Time while I figure things out I’m not working and really trying to find the right move before taking on another pointless career move. 6. What do you do for work? * 7. Are you married, if so how would you describe the quality of your marriage? * 8. If you could have the marriage of your dreams, how would that change your life and that of your family’s? * 9. Be 100% honest - what do you think is stopping you from living this way now (The more specific you are here the faster we'll get you clarity during our call together). * 10. Do you have a significant other that would also need to be on the call? No - I have complete autonomy to make the decisions about my life and finances. Yes - l'Il make sure to book a time where both of us can be on the call. 11. If you feel the growth strategy we map out for you on the call is a fit for what you're looking for, would you be willing (and able) to invest in growing your own healing journey? Yes - I have the cash flow to invest in myself. Yes - I may or may not have the cash on hand but I can get resourceful and/or have access to credit. No - My cash flow is month to month and I have no access to credit. 12. Last question - On the following page you will be able to schedule a call with someone on our team. Will you 100% be able to make the time you choose? We do not reschedule no shows. Yes - I will stay 100% committed to the time I choose. Maybe - I'm not sure if I'm serious. Name First Name Last Name Email Thank you!